Implementation of
A precondition for the long-term success story of Sumitomo Group is to engage in ethically correct behavior and to avoid reprehensible business practices. This attitude is clearly expressed by the spirit of Sumitomo

which expresses the duty to "act in accordance with the law".

In this sense, we, as management of “SE Bordnetze - Bulgaria” EOOD, undertake to continue to provide and make every effort to ensure that any actions of our company, its authorities and employees do not violate any legal provisions and rules. We know that we need to earn our trust every day in order to achieve sustainable growth. This requires, in particular, that every employee should be perceived as part of our company and, while performing his / her duties, is guided by ethically sound principles and observes legal provisions and rules.

Management believes that violations of legal regulations or rules will not be ignored and that each staff member feels responsible for reporting such violations.

To facilitate reporting significantly, in the future any employee may, in addition to existing reporting capabilities, contact the Sumitomo violation telephone hotline serviced by EXPOLINK, directly on the phone 00800 110 44 74 or report via the web portal (password "notify"). Calls to that phone number are free of charge, contact is possible in Bulgarian, English, German or other spoken language.

Applying the Whistleblowing Hotline Policy will raise awareness among all employees about reporting capabilities and will inform you of the latest reporting requirements.

A detailed and updated description of the services provided by Expolink is available on the company's website

in English, French, German and Spanish.
Violations reports will be treated as confidential and will be reviewed and processed by Sumitomo Electric Industries Group's compliance department. Reporters of violations that act on ethical or moral grounds are not sober. Rather, they play an important role both in guaranteeing the protection of our social, moral and constitutional values, and in preventing our company from incurring any financial damage or damaging the reputation.
Sincerely yours,                    

 Mrs. Gulay Tatlidil, CFO              Mr. Taner Mutlu, COO


Policy for Whistleblowing Reports